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HomeRegional Healey Events

Regional Events

There are seven (7) Austin-Healey regional events spread across the United States. These events complement the annual Austin-Healey Conclave event, but typically are held over a shorter 3-day period and draw Healey owners from a shorter radius than a Conclave. Each of our regional events are held in different locations every year. You will experience scenic Healey road rallys, have a fun time driving in the funkhana, explore the area, eat great food, pick up good tech tips, show off your Healey at the popular car show, and receive your awards at an awards banquet.  The Regional Healey events usually draw anywhere between 45 and 100+ Austin-Healeys and are a great way to meet fellow Healey owners in your area. Search on the AHCA website in the AHCA Calendar here for a Austin-Healey regional event (or two) near you or in a location you have always wanted to visit. 

Southeastern Classic

The Southeastern Classic is hosted by four different Austin-Healey Area Clubs, typically in the fall, from the Southeastern region of the United States.  The event draws attendees from those states highlighted and as far away as Canada and Texas. The first event was held in Sebring Florida in 1987 and has been held continuously since that time. The Southeastern Classic location changes each year so attendees get to experience different venues from the mountains to the coast, and from Florida to Virginia.The 2024 Southeastern Classic XXXVII will be held in Little Switzerland in the NC mountains on September 26-29, 2024.

Summit 2025

Summit is hosted by the Austin-Healey Club of New England. Summits have been held in each of the six New England states, plus New York since 1997. Healey enthusiast from across the Northeast and Canada enjoy a variety of activities at a Summit held between late spring and early fall each year. Contact Pete Sturtevant here for more information regarding Summit.

Celebration the 50th Anniversary of AHC NE and going back to our roots of "Cape Meets" from the last century.  Falmouth, MA September 28th - October 2nd. 

September Roundup

September Roundup is an annual regional event currently hosted by 1 of 3 Midwest clubs (Central Indiana, Mid-Ohio or Ohio Valley.)  

Since the first event in 2010, it is typically held in a small Indiana or Ohio town that features great back roads, a car show, rally (covered bridges?), wonderful restaurants and shopping. Contact one of the three clubs in the “Area Club Finder” on the AHCA Home page for more information about the next event.

Austin-Healey SpringThing

The Austin-Healey SpringThing has been hosted by the Bluegrass AHC since 1991. This event has deep roots in Kentucky backroads, bourbon, hospitality and wacky fun! SpringThing is a relaxing, family-oriented gathering of the Healey faithful, drawing attendees from more than eight states and parts of Canada. Traversing small-town Kentucky, SpringThing locations change each year, allowing for new and exciting adventures for attendees and VIP experiences at some of the Commonwealth’s most historic and noteworthy attractions. For more information on SpringThing email Ben Moore here or text (502) 797-5652. 

Texas Healey Roundup

Texas Healey Roundup is the premier regional Healey gathering for Texas and surrounding states.  Roundup has been a “must” event for Healey enthusiasts for over 40 years.  Roundup is sponsored by the three Healey clubs in Texas on a rotating basis.  A different host city each year provides for new travel adventures and scenic roads.

The weekend event takes place annually in the spring to take advantage of Texas’ wildflower season typically in early April.  Put the top down and come join us!

   Contact one of the three Texas Area Clubs in the “Area Club Finder” on the AHCA Home page for more information about the current year’s event.

California Healey Week

California Healey Week, established in 1974, is the annual Gathering of Healey Enthusiasts 
on the West Coast.  The event rotates between mountain, desert and seashore locations and is occasionally also held in Northern California.  All Healey owners are welcome and we regularly host guests from California, Nevada, Arizona and Oregon. More info here.

Northwest Healey Meet

The Northwest Healey Meet draws attendee’s from the Pacific Northwest and beyond. It is typically hosted in the fall by the Austin-Healey Club of Oregon ( ). Contact the Oregon club for more information.